Sunday, December 6, 2009

We're on the Road to Morocco, D - 1

24 hours and counting...
There are a few things still left to load. The washer and dryer, the couch and one dresser. If there's room after that, we'll squeeze in the microwave table and the computer desk 'n' chair. If there's still room, maybe we can load some of the spare lumber.

So, is it red sky in the morning, or is it just all the clouds?

Whilst taking the dog for his morning constitutional, I noticed that it's getting a little cloudy outside. A quick check at weather underground tells us that it's not gonna rain until tomorrow, but I better get my butt moving.

As a total side note, it's 50 degrees outside and 71% humidity, here in Oceanside. Right now in Florida, it's 45 & 70%. Just sayin'.


flyralpha said...

I live in Florida and I'm loving this cold weather! I'm hoping it won't get close to 80 for Christmas like a couple of years ago. :(

Anne-Marie said...

What a lovely photo - the clouds look so light and fluffy.

And, it's around 30ish here in Washington State so the idea of 70plus degree weather sounds like quite a glorious fantasy =))


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